Just a reminder that the DCAS AGM will take place on this Sunday at 2pm on Zoom. The link will be sent to members who have registered using this link: CLICK HERE TO ACCESS SURVEY This is to ensure only eligible members join the meeting.
The zoom meeting link will be sent on Saturday evening
The meeting is open to all DCAS Clubs and the region’s Archers and Members
Due to ongoing concerns about Covid19 levels in our counties the meeting will be held as a virtual meeting online using Zoom this Sunday 12th December 2021 starting at 2.00pm.
All affiliated members of the Society are entitled to attend the AGM, and all Senior affiliated members of the Society are entitled to vote.
The AGM is your opportunity to have your say in the running of your Society, and to elect the Committee who will manage the Society on your behalf for the next 12 months.
Please, therefore, try to attend the AGM yourself or encourage another member to come to represent your club.
In accordance with our constitution all members of the management committee are subject to election at the AGM and you have the right to nominate members. You are also entitled to propose any matter for consideration at the AGM. Matters will be included at the Chairman’s discretion insofar as time allows.
If you want to attend the AGM, send apologies, nominate a member of the committee, ask a question or propose a matter to the chairman to consider for the agenda, please let us know using the following survey.